Too Hot To Handle's Cam Gives Emily The Runaround (Will They Ever Marry?)
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Too Hot To Handle's Cam Gives Emily The Runaround (Will They Ever Marry?)

Jun 04, 2023

Too Hot To Handle's Cam Holmes doesn't want to marry Emily Miller, but she's longing to be his bride. What will happen to this on-again off-again duo?

Too Hot To Handle season 2 stars Cam Holmes and Emily Miller seemed like a perfect match for a long time, and she's said that she wants to marry him, but he's not into it. For ages, she's tried to turn Cam into the type of guy who wants a wife and kids, but he's never fit that mold, and he's giving her the runaround about marriage. Cam's been quiet on Instagram lately, and Emily doesn't look as happy as usual on that platform. While this on-again off-again duo seems to be "on" right now, something has changed. They aren't as joyful as they used to be.

Too Hot To Handle's Cam Holmes was a bad boy, and Emily loved it that both of them were, "sinners." They weren't pretending to be angels, and both were charismatic, attractive, and funny. It's not a surprise that they found each other on the show. In fact, they seemed ideally suited, but Cam really hurt Emily when he got too close to another THTH cast member, Christina Carmela, during a date. Emily, a super-glam model with options, fell hook, line and sinker for Cam. He seemed to really care about her, but not quite as much as she cared about him. This imbalance is an ongoing problem.

Related: Too Hot To Handle Season 2- Are Emily Miller & Cam Holmes Still Together?

During a recent photo, "dump from the Maldives," Emily didn't have that hot glow in her eyes which was so captivating on Too Hot To Handle. That might be because Cam has put her through the wringer. By falling hopelessly in love with a die-hard player, she has swum into treacherous waters. Even though she's lazing on a beach in the pic above, she looks a bit haunted. She possibly finds it hard to get past the fact that Cam cheated on her while he was in Thailand, as per a Daily Mail exclusive. They made up after that incident, but when that stuff happens, nothing's ever the same.

A relationship can survive cheating if the wronged "half" is willing to truly forgive. However, with a guy like Cam, long-term change may not be realistic. He was a player before he filmed Too Hot To Handle, he downplayed his bond with Emily (which seemed really strong) during his date with Christina on the show, and he cheated after the show. Should it be "three strikes you're out." Yes, of course, but love is complicated.

Emily can't help having feelings, and it's sad to think about how he's crushed her again and again. Her love was sort of innocent and all-encompassing. He's wilier, maybe colder. They're opposites - a Libra man and an Aries woman. They're a great match in many ways, but the temperaments are just so different. The Aries is fiery and loyal, while the Libra's always looking for mental (and maybe physical) stimulation, and seeking out some ideal "other" half who might not even exist. Lots of Libras are cheaters.

The thing about Cam is he can twist Emily around his little finger, and he knows it. That's another example of the power imbalance between them, which may tear them apart in the end. If he marries her, he may do it just to placate her, rather than because he wants to be her husband. That will end in tears.

It's not a shocker that he's trying to worm his way out of marriage. He was sly and intelligent on the show, not the typical "himbo," and he surely knows that it won't end well. An open relationship might be the answer, as he seems to be someone who's perpetually on the prowl, but there's no way his long-suffering partner could tolerate that. So they're really at an impasse.

In the clip above, Cam's letting Emily listen to his song, "Roses," for the first time, and gazing adoringly into her eyes. That's the type of shtick that made her fall into his trap in the first place. It's all too easy to doubt his sincerity because of the cheating. Sure, he might have changed, but this is Cam, and his track record's sketchy at best.

Cam will probably be the one who lets go. He already let go in Thailand, and he's likely to do the same again. He probably loves Emily, but he's just not made for this type of lifetime monogamy. When he's older, he might be up to it, but she's in for a long, long wait. In the meantime, she has to try to trust someone who has let her down in the worst way.

It would take a lot for Emily to really pull the plug. She's already been provoked with the Thailand tryst. She hangs in there because she adores her partner, but what it is doing to her inside? Probably, significant damage. She may still dream of the white wedding, the flower petals on the honeymoon bed, but he broke their bond with another woman. It's just so hurtful, and overlooking his sins is not the answer.

It's easy to root for Emily, who wears her heart on her sleeve. Her love is so obvious, so real. Cam is more of a puzzle, going back to her after he's cheated, but lying low online. She doesn't post about him either. These aren't good signs, and her Maldives beach photo seems to tell a story.

Too Hot To Handle's Emily is a stunning and smart woman who gives one hundred percent to her partner. Has she fallen in love with the wrong man? Will she ever fall out of love? If she does, she may find that she's opened a portal that leads to a more genuine and lasting type of happiness.

Sources: Daily Mail, Emily Miller/Instagram, Cam Holmes/Instagram

Too Hot To HandleToo Hot To Handle