My family can’t handle another tax
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My family can’t handle another tax

Jun 08, 2023



Shingle Springs

I can't understand how some folks making comments about this are so surprised that the dems and dem guv Newsolini would approved another new tax. This has been the dems leftist mantra for eons, tax tax tax. But hey Ca., keep putting these dems in charge so they can further wreck our state and nation.

One person hadn't heard of this, but nobody stated they were surprised. Making stuff up again?

I hadn't heard of it, but not surprised. Just another capitalistic money grab.

LWL This bill was passed over a year ago and is finally getting the recognition it deserves. Most people don't have the time or inclination to read through hundreds of pages of text to find these "hidden jewels" that the governor and legislature have enacted. Some, such as AB 205, are hidden in Trailer Bills connected to the state budget, the go-to procedure when they want to get something passed quickly and without much fanfare. There was already a fee charged to electricity bills, this Bill changed the fee into a tiered income-graduated rate of payment. This change should have had more debate and not been a Trailer Bill that was allowed to pass with a simple majority and not two-thirds vote. The surprise would have been if California would have allowed this to happen.

Thanks for the informative clarification.

AB 205 was passed and signed by Newsom last year. The law to treat utility bills like income taxes is in the stage of the CPUC deciding how much utilities should authorize for the fixed charge. The fixed charge is to be established on an income graduated basis, and implementation may start in 2026. In California, a household making 180,000 a year is considered wealthy enough to be in the highest tier group, who will pay the most. One proposal is to find out your income by PG&E sharing information with the Franchise Tax Board, another is to use a credit reporting company to know what your fee should be. The organizations most opposed are affiliated with the solar panel industry for reasons you can research yourself if this applies to your situation. The big infrastructure improvements by PG&E, supported by this tax, are passed on to the ratepayers for the state's "climate change" and "equity" goals. This new law is split along party lines, with Democrats, who were able to get this passed at lightening speed, being in favor. We are told by supporters that this will lower our costs for electricity, the world will be a fairer place to live, and they will take a break from the global warming rhetoric. Somehow I don't believe them.

This tax rate will be based on income. To the chagrin of the Left, this activity is known as redistribution of wealth or the rich are not paying their fair share. In the Soviet Union it was, from those according to their ability to those according to their need, the foundation of communism. In our nation, freedom, is in part, measured by the financial interaction between the government and the people. The Left has chosen communism.

The Green Party?

Please explain how an Investor-owned company, PG&E, is communism? If anything we should be making it a true government run utility so that investors are not the priority, Money should be going to the infrastructure, nobody should be profiting. So I guess it should be democratic socialism (which is NOT communism).

Well said Yimby, well said.

Redistribution of wealth is communision. Rap your mind around that if you have that capacity.

Thanks for the heads up, Sandy. I didn't even know about it!

It deserves a lot more attention. Contacting your state assembly member and senator might help get this sneaky last minute addition repealed.

I want to comment, but I'm afraid they will cut off my electicity. But, I do have an idea they may like: Let's all give then our banking information, and they can take out whatever they like. Governor, where are you on this?

He signed the bill...

Ouch -- he already signed the bill -- NO NO NO NO NO NO ! ! ! !

Hmmm, the "Income Based Rate" proposal occured (by private capitalists) after the Governor signed AB 205. Not sure what that means. It this a proposal or a done deal?

citizen The income base rate proposal is right there in AB 205 that passed and the governor signed. This was as Budget Trailer Bill and not something proposed later.

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